Up, Up & Away

A couple weeks ago when I was home, I was determined to go to as many fall festival-esque events as possible. I went to pick pumpkins at Carrigan Farms, spent an entire day playing games and eating deep fried food at the N.C. State Fair with my parents, but by far the coolest festival I went to was the Carolina Balloon Fest. Hot air balloon conductors (is that what you call them?) from all over the country came to Statesville, NC (who knows why) to participate in a weekend of hot air balloon games and activities. When the wind is just right, you can sit on my parents’ back porch and watch them float over the house, reflecting on the lake. But, last year the wind was blowing in the opposite direction, and they never made it over the house. This year, we didn’t want to chance it, so we went to the actual launch site, the Statesville airport.

When we got there, the balloon conductors were beginning to set up their baskets and balloons for take off. We sat back and watched the whole process. You guys, I never realized just how much work goes in to setting up a hot air balloon. First, the balloon has to be attached to the basket while it’s laying down. Then, the team has to unfold the balloon and start blowing air into it. A few of the people hold the balloon open, and other guide fans into the opening. Once the balloon is inflated enough by the fan, they slowly start tilting the basket up while simultaneously blowing hot air into the balloon. Once it’s all the way standing up and inflated, it’s up, up and away!

The colors were absolutely beautiful. Every time a new balloon would take off, I would have a new favorite balloon. Thankfully I was wearing black and white, so the colors of the balloons really popped. If you ever get the chance to go to a hot air balloon festival, I highly suggest going. Recommended 10/10. Just look how dreamy it was!


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Zoey Leigh