Happy Monday everyone! I'm sure you're just as sad to be back in the office (or in class) after such a short break as I am, but we must get that mullah (or A's). So, I'm going to be honest. Thanksgiving is pretty much my least favorite holiday, mainly because I don't really like Thanksgiving food, but also because it's just a tease for the Christmas/Hanukkah vacation. This year, Thanksgiving was kind of fun though. Maybe it was just because it was change of scenery, or maybe because I appreciate the time spent with my parents a lot more now that I live on my own.
Usually, my entire family (which is actually pretty small) piles into my house, and my mom does all of the cooking (amazing cooking I might add), but this year we took a trip to my great aunt and uncle's house in Cleveland, Ohio. I know, I know. You're probably thinking "what the hell is there to do in Ohio?" The simple answer is, "pretty much nothing," but Michele, David, and I made the best of it. We went shopping, we went to the casino, we ate our weight in coconut bars, and we celebrated my great grandma Zelda's (the one that inspired my "Zelda" tattoo) 99th birthday. Yep, you read that correctly. She turned 99 years old. Look at her cake! It was practically a bonfire.
By the time the candles were blown out, the entire top layer of the cake was a thick sheet of wax.
I love the clothing that comes along with this time of year. I like to go to the extreme with the layering and seasonal colors. I got super lucky, and stumbled upon some amazing picture weather. Scroll down to see how I layered a skirt, a dress, and a body suit, and managed to not look like a crazy person.
Pre making it rain with leaves.
Make it rain, make it, make it rain.
A leaf got stuck in my hair.
I really love how this shirt shows off my tattoos.
I can see youuuu.
When did my hair get so long?
In case you were wondering, Zelda means "happy and blessed" in Yiddish, and I must say, I sure am happy and blessed. I couldn't dream of better people to call my family.
Comment below and tell me where you went for Thanksgiving!
Zoey Leigh