I can’t even believe that I am about to type out these words...This past Saturday, I went to the Revolve Farewell Party hosted by Travis Scott in the Hamptons. This is not a drill. This is real life. This is MY life! Whatttt???? In case you are unfamiliar with Revolve, it is an online store that carries both men’s and women’s designer clothing, but it is really so much more than that. Revolve is truly a community in which designers, shoppers, influencers, bloggers, stylists, and celebrities can come together and build creative content that is so much bigger than just their own individual crafts. And every summer, Revolve rents out a ~stunning~ Hamptons home where they host several events and parties over the course of four weekends. Don’t start searching for travel deets too fast, Revolve’s events are strictly invite only. Lounging across the lawn, you’ll find the most beautiful supermodels, the most followed influencers and bloggers, celebrity stylists and artists, and fashion’s hottest twenty-something-year-olds.
Me, JonBoy, and Gucci. Thanks for getting me in JB! (I don't know what inspired the 2008 duck lips)
So, I bet you’re wondering how the hell little ol’ me got in! Luckily for me, my good friend and tattoo artist, JonBoy extended an invitation to myself and one of my best friends from high school, Nidhi! But, i’m afraid it wasn’t that easy. We then had to RSVP for the event through a secret online link. There, we had to list our names, our occupations, our birthdays, and even our Instagram handles! After logging all of our information, a memo popped up on my screen saying that if we were selected to attend, we would receive an email confirmation. I checked my emails maybe one hundred times that afternoon/night (more times than I do at work, oops). The hours went by, and still no confirmation. Once 11 p.m. came around, I became saddened, and realized that it probably wasn’t going to happen. I usually don’t have that great of luck anyway. It was surely too good to be true. Nidhi and I went on with our night, bouncing around from Mr. Purple to PHD, and drank away our disappointment (that sounds bad, I promise we’re not alcoholics, just overly dramatic girlies). By the time we got home, the sun was up, and we were ready to crash. I still set my alarm for 8 a.m., hopeful that I would find a message from Revolve in my inbox. A little foggy from the night before, I checked my mail...nothing. I fell back asleep, and woke again at 10:30 to find the most amazing surprise in my mailbox:
“Hello, Your RSVP for #REVOLVEinthehamptons Farewell Party has been confirmed.
I hopped out of bed so fast, and started screaming at Nidhi to get up. “PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME” Oh shit. It was 10:30, the party started at 2, and the Revolve house was two and a half hours away. I thought we would never make it, but with a fire ignited under our asses, we somehow managed to make it on time (well maybe a few minutes late).
We were dropped off in a random grass field, where we gave our names to a girl who thumbed them into her iPad. We then boarded a Revolve shuttle that drove us straight to the Revolve house. Once we arrived, we walked along the driveway, into the front lawn of an absolutely beautiful, French country inspired dream home. There, our names were requested again, and inputted into yet another iPad. And with a tap of a finger, we were in. We walked along the beautifully laid pavers, across the front yard, and around the side of the house. Our jaws dropped. It was AHHHHMAZING. Beautiful people were everywhere. Drink tents were placed throughout the lawn. A crystal blue pool was filled with various animal and shell shaped floats. Nidhi had already taken at least five videos before I could even get around to telling her that I had to pee (of course, when do I not have to?). So, we headed toward the bathroom trailer, which happened to be nicer than my bathroom at home. Once we got over how nice it was, we made our way back out into the yard, and headed straight to the stage where Travis Scott was about to perform.
Sorry this pic sucks. It was screen-shotted from a video! So close!
Front row, baby. That’s right. We were up close and personal with Travis himself. I think some of his sweat even landed on me. The rest of the guests packed in behind us. Caroline Daur was to my left, Chanel Iman, just behind me, and JonBoy was dancing on stage. This could NOT be real. This could NOT be my life. I must say, Travis is amazing in any setting, but if you get the chance to see him in a small space, absolutely take advantage of it. There is nothing like it.
Once the show ended, we patted our sweat, and headed for the Moet tent #MoetMoment. Inside the tent, there were pillows and couches placed between plants and fans. Counters displayed with golden Moet bottles were attended by bartenders ready to serve. Rose please! No really, that’s what I ordered, and inside you would find an ice dome with one single raspberry waiting to be thawed. The rose was delicious, and the atmosphere was grand. We then headed over to the Revolve sign to snap some pics. Were you even really there if you didn’t get a pic in front of the Revolve sign? The answer is so obviously no. So, we waited our turns, and pretended to act candid for the ‘gram.
Me and Nidhi looking #flawless.
Once the shock of it all wore off, we headed to the Ciroc tiki hut (yep, they had one of those too). I ordered a drink called a Coco Loco, which I must say was more than delish. After sucking down a few of those, Nidhi and I mingled, and I mean, reallyyyy mingled (with a few churros in hand). We made friends with other fashion savvy starlettes and even spoke to my favorite blogger, Brittany Xavier. You guys, she was amazing. If you don’t already follow her, you definitely should. Her Instagram is @thriftsandthreads, and her life is fabulous. She basically has the most perfect hair, the cutest family, and totally proves that you can look amazing for less than designer costs. I completely had the intentions to gain some advice on what I can do to grow the following that I want and other early production questions about my blog, but somehow we got onto the topic of her dog Eloise and her daughter Jadyn, who is by far the coolest ten-year-old out there. Without judgment, Brittany and Anthony (her husband) talked to me through my Fiji Water Blue Berry shaved ice stained teeth, and my annoying fangirling-ness for like a solid ten minutes. I consider that a win in my book, even though I’m pretty sure I forgot to tell her my name (stupid Coco Locos). She was stunning, and I was starstruck. It was definitely a moment I would never forget. I mean, how could I?
This is the culprit that turned my mouth blue. It was tasty though.
Not too long after meeting my blogging idol, the security guards started circulating. If you didn’t have a wristband (only the influencers staying in the house had wristbands), it was time to go. Nidhi and I slowly (and I really mean slowly, like turtle pace) walked toward the front. Making friends along the way, and taking pics to slow down our exit, we decided we weren’t quite ready to leave the Hamptons (even if that meant missing the last train home). So, we headed out to Montauk with our new gal pals. Hungry and tired, Nidhi and I immediately regretted skipping out on the train home. We hit up a local restaurant where we grubbed on garlic fries and onion rings before hitting the road. And when we got into our Uber (our $300 Uber, ugh it hurts), we knocked out immediately, sleeping the entire two and half hour ride home. Finally home at 1:30 a.m., we laid in bed in disbelief of the day we just had. We were in the Hamptons. We were at the Revolve party. We were two feet from Travis Scott. Mama, we made it! Well, not totally, but it felt like it. Hopefully the next time we’re in the Hamptons at a Revolve party, we’ll be staying in the house. Then we’ll really know we made it.
Pure happiness in a pic.
To shop my look, click on the links below!
BAG: MARC JACOBS (similar)
Still can't get over this!
Zoey Leigh