Acting Shady

Growing up and becoming an adult sort of feels like a long, drawn out, emotionally exhausting break up with your parents. Of course, not the kind of break up where your significant other cheats, you get mad, hate them and move on, but the kind of breakup where they tell you they still love you, but not the same way as they used to. You know, the painful kind. The “just rip the band-aid off” doesn’t work kind. If you really think about it, it does make sense. You grow up literally being molded by your parents; You follow their rules (most of the time), take out the trash when they tell you to (okay… maybe after the third time they yell your name from upstairs), you think about how much they would be disappointed before making bad decisions (and sometimes you don’t, but just hope for the best). And when you’re sitting alone in your Manhattan apartment that you can barely afford, trying to organize your bills so that you don’t miss a payment, they’re lounging at home thinking about all of money they just saved by removing you from their accounts. Seriously, they’re really happy, like, tan in the backyard, take a boat ride on the lake happy. And while they're carefree, enjoying their empty nest, you're stuck adulting, (guys, I think I actually shed a tear writing my first rent check).

In attempt to dry my broke, barely-an-adult eyes, I made a big decision. I did something that would make me really happy too (my parents can't have alllll the fun). Drum roll please...I relaunched my blog!! Zoey Leigh is back in business and better than ever. This time, it is here to stay. I'm secretly hoping that it helps distract me from the whole adulting thing. So far, it's working a little bit. And maybe, just maybe, you'll enjoy visiting it as much as I enjoy making it. This time Zoey Leigh is an experience, not just a gallery. It is a look inside of my creative mind, an adventure through Manhattan, and my transition into adulthood. I will share with you my favorite pieces of Manhattan, the art and beauty that inspires me daily, and some of my most intimate thoughts as I grow wildly in New York City.

Keep scrolling down, and check out an awesome shoot that I did in the Metropolitan Museum of Art today! DO IT. I DARE YOU. I had tons of fun with the help of my awesome friend/roommate/photographer, Rafy. Thanks sis! I also may have gotten yelled at by a museum attendant. Oops. And, as you can see, I had to take advantage of the amazing lighting for some bomb selfies. I will not apologize. I have no shame. Anyway, enjoy!

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