Goal Digger

A few weeks ago, I got a DM (direct message) on Twitter from Ibi Lagundoye asking for my email address, and something about a feature on her website. To be honest, I was at work, busy, and read it so quickly that I didn’t even realize what I was reading. On autopilot, I typed in my address and hit send. A few days later, I got an email from Ibi, listing out several interview-esque questions. That’s when it hit me. Ibi, one of my friends from Syracuse University, fashion enthusiast, writer, intellect, basically perfect human being, wanted me, ME to be featured on her website, The Next Up Co. Her piece about me would be the final segment of a month long series called “Goal Digger,” in which she highlights young women creatives. I was super flattered and seriously surprised. Why did she want me to be featured? I mean, I did just relaunch my blog, but I didn’t exactly feel as if I fell within the same ranks as the other women she had already interviewed. Either way, I quickly skimmed the questions and started answering them.


Some of the questions were easy, and some were not so easy. Funny enough, I actually had to consult my best friend, Anabell (shoutout to you boo, I know you’re reading this) to determine what song would be my personal theme song. She settled on Glamorous by Fergie. She said that the lyrics “I still go to Taco Bell/ Drive through, raw as Hell/ I don’t care, I’m still real/ No matter how many records I sell” was so me, that I would be true to myself and where I came from, no matter who I become. She got all of that out of those lines? Meanwhile, I was just stuck on Taco Bell with a watering mouth. Really though, such silly lyrics made her think of me in such poised and honest terms. Not only was this even more of an indication as to how amazingly lucky I am to have her, but also that maybe this idea about me isn’t as uncommon as I feel it is within myself. Anabell and Ibi see that I am special in some kind of way, a self-starter. It made me realize that maybe my mom was right. Come on! I should have known better. Mom’s are ALWAYS right. My mom has always told me that I don’t give myself enough credit, that I’m a great writer, a hard-worker, and that she doesn’t doubt that I will in someway, somehow make something of myself.


Truthfully, I’ve never really thought I was that great of a writer. Don’t get me wrong, I know the difference between there, their and they’re, and how to use a comma to break up two independent clauses,  but I wouldn’t exactly say I’m outstanding in a group of my peers. I think for me, I just don’t take myself too seriously when it comes to writing. It has kind of become my thing. Like my friend Rafy describes her aesthetic as messy, I guess mine would kind of be the make-jokes-so-it-doesn’t-hurt-so-bad-when-they-laugh kind of vibe. I don’t know if it really works, but I must say, it is pretty rewarding when I hear someone giggle at my writing. I’m just never going to be that person that writes poetry, or sappy romantic love stories, or even that “I’m a mysterious writer. I’m gonna make you depressed with my writing” type of gal. I like to joke in my work. I like to make people smile, giggle, maybe even snort! I find that I enjoy the outcome so much more when I don’t take my work so seriously. Maybe that’s what I learned out of all of this, from Anabell’s connection between me and Fergie, from Ibi’s praise of my blog and career, and from my mom constantly telling me to have more faith in myself. They’re (see, correct version) all right! The moral to the story is that... I am Fergie!!! Just kidding, but I am Zoey Leigh, and I am going to be me, a creative, self-starter that won’t let anyone or anything get in my way of success! I’m a “Goal Digger.”

So, that entire time I talked about how I don’t like to be so serious, and I ended up getting pretty serious. Oh well. Better luck next time. Before you click that red button in the top corner of your screen (Yeah, you. I’m talking to you. I see your cursor moving) head on over to The Next Up Co. and check out Ibi’s piece about moi, and some other pretty awesome chicks. Make sure to remember our names, because you’ll be seeing them in big letters someday (hopefully soon). Who knows, maybe you’ll even be The Next Up (see what I did there? Wow, I’m so cheesy)


Anyway, toodaloo!!!!



Zoey Leigh

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