Clarisonic Mia 2

Woah, it’s been a long time (too long) since I posted one of these. Good thing, my first one back is killer.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a breakout. Okay, some of you definitely just lied. Let’s try that again. Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a breakout. Ahhh I see, now we’re being honest. Well, I might have just found the solution to all your acne troubles. This week, my Friday Fave is my Calrisonic Mia 2 face cleanser.

I’ll admit it. I’m not so great at cleaning my face every day. Sure, I wash my face when I’m in the shower, and if I wear makeup (which isn’t very often), I’ll use a face wipe to smudge it off before I go to bed, but I definitely don’t wash my face twice a day like I should. This year for Hanukkah (I’m a grown ass adult, and I still have to look up if that has two “n”s or two “k”s), I asked my parents for a Clarisonic. If you don’t know what a Calrisonic face cleanser is, it’s basically an electric toothbrush for your face. It’s an electric face brush if you will. Fancy shmancy, huh?

I made a deal with myself that I would use it twice a day, every day. Welp. That didn’t happen. I just really do NOT like washing my face in the sink. I hate the way it soaks the counter, and the way water runs down your arms, and beads off the tips of your elbows onto the floor. It’s just really not for me. I definitely do use it every time in the shower though (which is every day).

I got my Clarisonic with the idea that the exfoliating factor would help break the surface of the bumps on my face, thus letting them empty and heal. Wow, that sounded really gross. Pimples are gross guys, but they’re just a fact of life, so get over it. I have acne, but not in the conventional sense. I don’t get big, red planets on my face, but I do get small, red-ish bumps under my skin. The bumps are hard to see, but in the right light, or under the wrong highlighter, they are super noticeable. When I went to the dermatologist about a year ago, she gave me a topical ointment (I used that word just because I know you hate it) that essentially dries out your skin, so the top layer sloughs off, and the bacteria is released. It sounds all fine and dandy, but in reality it was actually the worst thing that my skin has ever come in contact with. My face was constantly itchy, blotchy, and burned anytime I produced even the slightest amount of sweat. Considering I work out every day, that was big HELL NO.

I thought I was stuck with these bumps for life, until I started using my Clarisonic. You guys, it works miracles. Of course, like anything else, it has to get worse before it gets better, and oh boy, did it get worse. My small red-ish bumps quickly became bigger, red-er bumps that were visible all the time. But then, after a few weeks, something miraculous started to happen. They started disappearing completely. Now, I get a few bumps every once in a while (mainly around that time of the month), but for the most part, my skin is super clear. Of course I don’t have pictures to show you because that would mean that I would have actually listened to my mom for once, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Sorry mom. I know you’re always telling me to take pictures for proof (like that time I backed into someone’s car, or that time my apartment flooded), but I just forgot. I’ll try to be better.

If you struggle with acne similar to mine, or you just want your face to feel like a baby’s butt, then Calrisonic is for you. Head on over to their website to check it out!



Zoey Leigh