Wedding SZN

As the summer slides on along, wedding season is officially in full force. While I would absolutely never get married in this miserable heat (who wants to be drenched in sweat in their wedding pics?), everyone else seems to make like Danny and Sandy and get to some summer lovin’. And even though I would never have a summer wedding myself, that doesn’t mean that I am exempt from attending them. Saturday, I accompanied my boyfriend and his family to his uncle’s (whom I’ve never met) wedding. I survived the scorching sun, and looked pretty great while doing it (if I must say so myself). Picking what to wear to a wedding can be difficult. It’s even more difficult when you’re going to a wedding for someone that you have never met before (plus one syndrome). But no matter what, there are always some wedding [I] do’s and don’ts that you should follow when picking the right fit (that’s short for outfit, mom).

Absolutely NEVER wear white.

I don’t care how great your tan looks in that white dress, take it off. Unless the bride has already categorized the wedding attire as black and white only, do NOT wear a white dress, and don’t you dare put on an ivory dress either. It’s wrong. Don’t be Jane Fonda in Monster in Law.

Try not to wear prints.

Maybe this is just me being all boujee and what not, but wedding pictures will come out looking totally cray cray with a whole bunch of people wearing all sorts of different prints and patterns. If you realllllly have to wear a print dress, try to pick a more subtle pattern with muted colors, no highlighter yellow bullshit.

Shy away from being too sexy.

You have worked for months for your tight butt and toned abs, and I get that, but you don’t have to show it all off at your brother’s wife’s cousin’s wedding. There is a time and a place, and a wedding is neither (unless you’re the bride, then babygirl, show it allllllll off!). With that being said, make sure you wear a dress that is actually long enough for you. The only kind of cheeky you should be getting is smiley in the photo booth.

Embrace the lace.

Wearing a lace dress gives room to breathe during hot summer ceremonies, and adds a floral effect without wearing a full on print. It is also super romantic, which is always needed at weddings.

Wear comfy shoes.

If you are attending a wedding like the one I went to on Saturday, dancing is not only encouraged, but required. With that being said, you don’t want to get caught in the middle of the dance floor doing the Cha Cha Slide with one rogue pinky toe and five blister bandaids hanging out. Scope out what kind of wedding you think it will be based on the personalities of the bride and groom, then decide which is better, the look or the comfortability.


Click the links below to shop my look!







Zoey Leigh