How to: Pack for Vacay

T minus 2 days until this chica takes off to Costa Rica! As the holiday quickly approaches, and my to-do list keeps on growing, the inevitable task of packing appears on my radar, and I am dreading it. Let’s be honest, packing for vacation blows, especially when you have seemingly no time to get it done. Honestly, I probably shouldn’t even be using my time to write this post right now. Oh whale. As a master packer (no, really, I’ve perfected it), I’m here to tell you that packing doesn’t have to be miserable. I have a few tricks that I use when I pack, and I am enlightening you, by providing you with them, to make your packing process less of a hassle. Yes, I know, I’m such a nice person. By using my tips, you’ll avoid over packing, under packing, going over the weight limit, you’ll be prepared for anything thrown in your direction, and when it’s all said and done, you’ll be able to enjoy your amazing vacation without the slightest twinkle of stress.

Procrastination is NOT the move.

I know wayyyy too many people who, as adults, still think it’s acceptable to pack for a trip last minute. These are the same people who always end up buying things on vacation because within the first hour, they realize they forgot their toothbrush, and deodorant, and sticky boobs, and underwear, so basically their whole life. If you pack at least the night before your departure, you afford yourself some time to remember those things that you may have forgotten to pack. That way, you don’t have to run around like a chicken with their head cut off the day of, and you save yourself from unnecessary spending while on vacay.

Do your laundry and drycleaning the week before.

Okay, so I know that I have a bit of a reputation for planning too much, and too far ahead, but in this case, it really is necessary. When I’m packing, I like to make sure that I have my full wardrobe of clothing to pull from, so it only makes sense that I would have all my clothes clean, and readily available. It never fails, I always want to wear whatever is balled up at the bottom of my hamper. To avoid that happening, I make sure to do my laundry, and drop off my drycleaning the weekend before my departure. With that being said, it also doesn’t make much sense to wear the clothing that you think you might want to take on your trip during those days leading up to it. So, as you complete your laundry and pick up your drycleaning, try to set the pieces of clothing that you might want to take with you aside until you get the chance to pack.

Pack by outfit, not category.

If you’re a chronic over packer (I know few of you out there), this tip is especially important for you. Instead of packing by category (tops, pants, sweaters, etc.), pick an entire outfit, and pack it. If you actually try your outfit on while packing, you can see what you need, so there are no surprises once you’re actually on your trip. Pack enough outfits for each day, plus a couple extra, just in case. When I say “a couple extra,” I really mean only like two. You don’t need to pack five extra outfits. Then, you’re stuck right back in the same boat you were in last time you packed, overloaded. By limiting the amount of clothing you pack, you lower the amount of laundry that you have to do when you get home, you leave enough space in your luggage to bring home goodies, and you are more likely to stay under your airline’s weight limit. SO MANY BENEFITS!!!

Wear your heaviest clothing on the plane.

If you plan on packing boots, a leather jacket, or any kind of denim, wear it on the plane. I’m not saying go full on JT and Britney Spears at the AMAs circa 2001, but be strategic people. Yes, my Dr. Martens are a pain in my ass to take on and off in the security check line (were*--I have precheck now), but they’re a solid 7 or 8 pounds, and I’m not giving up that kind of precious space in my suitcase. Also, I neverrrr pack my leather jacket. I always wear it on the plane, same goes with my jeans. Not only do you free up space for more clothing in your luggage, but you also stay warm on the plane. I’m always freezing my ass off on the plane, so having my leather jacket is really very nice. BTW, you should really only pack one pair of jeans for your vacations, unless your trip is super long, and you absolutely need another pair.

Only pack the shoes you actually NEED.

Don’t be that person that packs 20 pairs of shoes for a 4 day trip. I promise you won’t need that many pairs, and you probably already knew that before you packed them. Packing a million and a half shoes just means that your suitcase will be that much heavier.

So, there you have it, 5 full proof tips for packing efficiently! I promise that if you follow them carefully the next time you get ready for a vacay, you will become a packing pro just like me. If you follow them, and still suck at packing, then you’re not being honest about how many shoes and jeans you really need. Okay, now I have to go pack for my vacation in the sun! Catch ya on the flip-side America!

Leave a comment below, and tell me what your plans are for Labor Day weekend!



Zoey Leigh