
Hey, I’m back...for like the five millionth time ever. Sorry for being gone for so long and ridiculously inconsistent. I know you have missed me, but I was #adulting. Yes, I know that is not really a word, and I promise to try to monitor the usage of said faux verb, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll wipe it from my mouth completely. Life has been real hard lately. Not like Kevin Hart teaching Will Ferrell how to survive prison hard, but like I can’t fall asleep at night because I can’t stop thinking about all of the things I have to do tomorrow hard. I’m in the middle of a lawsuit with my landlord hard. I haven’t done laundry in a month hard. My boss resigned, and I’m holding his place (as a 22 yr old) hard. Yeah, I think you get the point. Anyway, all this #adulting has been consuming my life lately, so I haven’t exactly had the time to write. So sad

*wipes singular tear from under eye*

Okay, I’m done being dramatic now. I’m currently in the whole “New Year, new me” mindset, but in all reality, i’ll probably fall back into my flakey blogging ways sooner than later. Side note, I’m like the farthest thing from flakey in real life. I’m actually not really flakey at all. I just get busy. Usually busy is good, but I’ve missed writing, so I’m back. Back again. Zoey’s back. Tell ya friends. If you didn’t just read that in your best Slim Shady voice, then stop here. You are no longer permitted to read kidding! You can keep reading, I guess.

There was really no point to this post. It was mainly just to let you know that I am officially going to start posting on again, and that you are going to be seeing some new forms of content (hopefully) on the B to the L to the O to the G. I really NEED to get a life!!! One new feature on my baby,, is the “articles” page. I have recently started writing articles for an awesome website called Making It In Manhattan (MIIM). Every time I write an article for MIIM, I am going to link it on the “articles” page, so you can easily read it without leaving my site. Look at me, just making your life easier one blog page at a time.

Be on the lookout for new posts on the reg. Comment below, and let me know what you would like to see!!!

I’ve missed you fam. I can’t wait to take on 2018 with you.



Zoey Leigh