I'm Doing the Whole 30 Challenge
Hi everyone!
Long time, no talk!
I’m reporting live from day 7 of the Whole 30 challenge. You’re reading this, which means I typed it, and if I typed it, that’s means I’m alive! I’m a survivor. I’m not gon’ give up. I’m not gon’ stop. I’m gon’ make it the Whole 30 days (ba dum ching). It’ll probably be more like 20 days in all actuality because I leave for Milan on February 23rd, and while I’m super committed to this, I don’t know if I can resist homemade pasta and literally the BEST focaccia on the planet (Genoese would argue that). Honestly, who could resist? So here’s to making the next 13 days count!
In case you’ve been completely ignoring America lately, basically like everyone is doing the Whole 30 challenge. In simple terms, it’s a 30 day (duh) diet in which you pretty much have to cut out everything that tastes good. Okay, not true, but I did have to say goodbye to chocolate...womp womp womp. The main things that you have to cut out are carbs, grains, dairy, legumes, and sugar. So, you’re probably wondering “then what the hell can you eat?” The list is actually pretty long, so if you want to see what I’m allowed to eat, check out the list here.
Real people have left real testimonies that in the 30 days, they have shed several pounds, all their gastrointestinal issues have cleared up, and that all of their acne has disappeared. Yes please!! Sign me up for all of the above. I know it has only been 7 days, but I’ve already lost two pounds!! So far, Whole 30 is a success!! Yep, it does suck saying no to pastries and candy, but
I feel so amazing that it’s all worth it.
If you want to read more about the Whole 30 challenge, check out their website! Each week, I am going to add a little update to this post to let you know how it’s going, and if I am still keeping with the plan. So, stay tuned!
Just for reference, this is what I look like now, post one week on Whole 30! Please excuse my messy room!
If you are currently participating, or have done the Whole 30 challenge before, comment below and let me know what food was the hardest saying no to? So far, mine is chocolate!
UPDATE: I have officially been compliant with the Whole 30 challenge for 2 weeks, and I must say, I feel amazing! You guys, I have so much more energy. I sleep so much better. My skin has pretty much completely cleared up (with the exception of one pesky little pimple). I never feel bogged down or heavy after eating a meal. All around, this has been a great experience so far. At first, I had a really hard time turning away from temptation, but now, it's just second nature determining what I can and can't eat. The only craving that never went away was chocolate. I mean, how can anyone really expect a chocolate addict to go 30 days without it anyway? Sooo...yes, I've had chocolate. But, NO, I have not cheated! This weekend I found an easy protein ball recipe, and just doctored it a bit to satisfy my chocolate cravings. There are only 4 ingredients: dates, nuts (pecans and/or walnuts), cocoa powder, and dry coconut shavings. All you do is throw it all into a blender or a food processor and voila! Roll the mash into little balls, and stick them in the fridge. Now I have a little snack (dessert) for whenever I need a little something sweet.
Here's an updated picture. Please ignore the dirty mirror. Yes, those are cupcakes with faces on them. Yes, I wear matching pajama sets. Yes, I am 4 years old, but look!! I spy a little baby ab trying to show through!!!!
If you haven't thought about trying out Whole 30, I seriously suggest you start thinking. I must say, I may never go back.
Zoey Leigh