I'm a Serial Awkward Hugger
There’s nothing like back to back appointments during market week to expose your hugging skills (or lack thereof). I’ve never been a big hugger. I don’t really know why, but I’ve always felt like it’s kind of an invasion of personal space. Yes, I know that seems a bit dramatic. Maybe I just have emotional faults. The only people that I openly hug are my parents, and my boyfriend (when I have one, which I don’t).
I met my childhood best friend when I was three years old. I am almost positive that the first time we hugged was when we were 14 years old. And even then, we only hugged because I had packed up my entire life and was moving to boarding school. Let me tell you, it was one awkward hug, and I’m pretty sure she would agree.
I’ve never quite been good at goodbyes, not in person, not on the phone, and most definitely not if it includes some sort of closeness i.e. hug. Well let me tell you...when you work in fashion, especially sales, the relationships you make with your buyers are next level important. And as you get closer and closer with them, a departing hug is expected at the end of the appointment. Okay, fine. Not a big deal. I can suffer through a side hug. Yes, they’re awkward, but if you actually have something in your hand (and I usually do during an appointment), it’s excusable. What gets really tricky is when you go for the wrong side and almost kiss. I can proudly say that I haven’t ever accidentally kiss-hugged someone, but I’ve gotten pretty close. To make matters worse, in Italy, they do actually kiss each other! You know, the whole cheek kiss act? Yeah. That’s where you really fall into dangerous territory. So, just when I was starting to get a little less awkward with my parting hugs, a whole new curve ball was thrown my way. I’m still trying to figure out how to dodge that one and come out the other side kiss-less.
Here's a picture of me giving Lucy a not-so-awkward hug. She still doesn't seem to be enjoying it...
My awkwardness doesn’t end at hugs. Nope, because it just wouldn’t be right if I was plagued with awkwardness in only one greeting category. That would just make life way too easy. Last week, during our latest sales campaign, I actually reached out to shake hands with someone that I have known for a while. It wasn’t like a “it was so nice meeting you” handshake. It was a super awkward-I wish I could just forget it ever happened-handshake. Ever had one of those? Nope? Just me? Okay…
Unfortunately for me, I leave for Milan on Friday for yet another sales campaign. I’m cringing just thinking about all of the people I have to awkwardly hug. If any of you are out there reading this, I sincerely apologize for my inability to hug like a normal human being.
Cheers to a successful sales campaign, and a most-likely unsuccessful batch of hugs!
Zoey Leigh