Vogue España #mfw Street Style

Today, the MOST EXCITING THING EVER HAPPENED TO ME!!! I mean, actually SO exciting that I almost fell out of my chair, that my hands were shaking, and that I could honestly die happy in this very moment (Dear God, if you exist, please don’t take that literally). Okay, so, do you want to know what it is?!?!?!?!

Drum roll please…

I WAS FEATURED IN VOGUE ESPAÑA!!!! Yes, Vogue. You read that correctly. No, it’s not American Vogue, but it’s FREAKING VOGUE! You know, the number one fashion magazine in the world? The publication that literally every model and celebrity dreams of gracing the cover? Yes, that one!

If you can’t tell by my millions of exclamation marks, I’m over the moon, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven (okay, maybe that’s enough idioms for one sentence). I think you get the point by now. I have nothing left to say on this topic. I still can’t believe it’s real. It’s just too good to be true. You’ll have to see it to believe it. Now, just scroll down...


A huge thanks to Diego Anciano of @collagevintage2 for capturing my style, and digging it enough to plaster it all over Vogue España, and to Vogue España for supporting him. 

Here’s to my first feature on a fashion site! Hopefully, there will be many more to come.



Zoey Leigh 


P.S. in case you were wondering, I'm wearing all Marni with a Gucci Scarf and Vans sneakers.